Jesus Changes our life!

Jesus Changes our life!

The aim of this is for you all to be like-minded, sympathetic and loving to one another, tender-hearted and humble.1 Peter 3:8 (New Testament for Everyone)
Jesus ushers in a new way of living and loving. When we are new or are renewed in Jesus our inner being is changed and our outward behavior is changed. People recognize that there is a lifestyle change. Our approach to life is new so everything is new. Most of the world is not like-minded. Much of the church is not like-minded either for that matter. We should not expect people who are not Christians to have the same worldview, moral compass, or focus as we do. The Christian’s aim is to be like-minded, as in to have the mind of Christ– to keep the kingdom of God and righteousness at the forefront of who we are and what we do. How that focus is expressed and experienced by others is by markers like sympathy, loving to those inside and outside the community, tender-heartedness, and humility. Meet vitriolic, polarized thinking with openness, anger and resentment with sympathy and love, hard-heartedness and hard-headedness with tender-heartedness and an attitude of humility. By this, we are part of the new creation and the new community that God calls us to. 

In Christ,

Rev. Elyse Milligan Nielsen
