“There is No God!” Said The Fool.

"There is No God!" Said The Fool.

Someone living at the merely human level doesn’t accept the things of God’s spirit. They are foolishness to such people, you see, and they can’t understand them because they need to be discerned spiritually. 1 Corinthians 2:14
From the outside looking in, faith and life in Christ looks silly and quite foolish. We worship an invisible God; eat grape juice and bread but call it His body and blood. We talk and listen for a disembodied voice and do what the voice says. That seems insane to the world. When major changes happen in society, we look for God’s involvement in it, rather than only a rational explanation. These all require knowing God, having an understanding of Christian doctrine and practices. While they seem foolish, they are ways we can foster our faith in the living God, who is quite real and ever present with us. For believers, we see the foolishness in trying to navigate life on our own, by our own initiative. God is real and the Holy Spirit is the main way we encounter God today. Be a fool for God and see just what He can do!
In Christ,
Rev. Elyse Milligan Nielsen
