A Church on the Move

A Church on the Move

God’s activity in human history is often about movement and relocation. Think of the Israelites: they lived in the land of Egypt before being delivered, but wandered for another forty years in the wilderness before entering the promised land. But no matter where they were, God was present among them, guiding them along the way.

As you know, Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, not his hometown. And his parents were forced to flee to Egypt for their safety, before finally returning to Nazareth. But here again, it’s an opportunity to see God at work in the midst of disruption.

Here at Cornerstone Church, we feel the same uneasiness about relocation, transition, and disruption of church as usual. This is an opportunity for us to experience God’s presence through this process. These are moments when God stretches us, challenges us, moves into the place where God wants us.

Blessings on the journey!

Pastor Paul Cook
